Thursday, August 26, 2010

Catching up...

It is an unbelievably beautiful day here--low 80s, sunny and breezy. So I have spent the last 6 hours walking around NYC, and I feel like my legs are made of wet noodles. Over to Fifth, up to Central Park South, back over to Ninth and down again. Stops along the way included Sarabeth's for lunch, Ferrara's gelato, and a thrift store in Hell's Kitchen. Saks and Frederick Fekkai teamed up to give away free product today, so I stood in line for my free volumizing spray. While on the way, I got a text from Larry that the chemo is working--no new tumors and the old ones are shrinking. Hip, hip, hooray! So I went to Mass at St. Patrick's to celebrate. I walked in on the tail end of the noon Mass, with Bishop Dolan celebrating Mother Teresa's 100th birthday with about 30 Missionaries of Charity. They're all tiny! I also spent some time in the Park today, reading and then napping on a park bench. Lots of interesting people to watch and eavesdrop on.

The last few days here have been chilly and rainy, so I haven't explored much. I've been pretty good about the workout thing, though: did Pilates on Tuesday and ran into Peter. We walked back to 23rd together and chatted on the corner about this and that. Ran in the gym on Monday and Wednesday; walked what felt like 20 miles today. Tomorrow, I plan to investigate the ice rink at Chelsea Pier, although if it's as nice tomorrow as it was today, that may have to wait for another day.

I'm on a search for a pair of boots that are comfortable enough to walk miles in. I went to the shoe dept. while I was at Saks today and found some really cute ones but they weren't quite comfortable enough, so the search continues. (I'm also hoping not to have to pay $450 for them, which is what that pair cost.)

Jason Wade was in town last night, so after we ate dinner (at Lasagna Restaurant--giant portions, mediocre food, very limited wine list), we met up with him at the Westside Tavern. I got to hear some more stories about Hollandpalooza. We stayed out till 1:30 or so--Jason had a 5:30 shuttle to the airport this morning, God love him. I slept till 9.

I've been talking to Pablo Gomez about a consulting gig. He may be getting hired by a university that needs marketing help, and while he has the marketing expertise, he doesn't know anything about admission. So I'd be consulting for the consultant. :) It sounds like it'd be about a 30 hour commitment (total, not per week) which might be fun. I've never done anything like that, so I get nervous thinking about it. But that's probably a good thing, getting out of my comfort zone. Ed thinks I'm nuts to do any work at all, but it sounds like something interesting, and I've known Pablo for half of his life, so I'd like to help him if I can.

Just started reading Cloud Atlas today, which Ed recently finished and thinks I'll really like. It's odd so far. The first section was a portion of some guy's diary and ended in the middle of a sentence. The second section has started out as a letter from one guy to another, neither of whom are the guy from section one, as near as I can tell. I'm confused, but still interested...

Yesterday morning was spent exploring the Mac. I had a one-to-one appointment on Tuesday, and she told me how to import my music. (It didn't work, so back I go.) I installed all my photos on iPhoto, and spent the morning tagging and organizing them. It was fun to look through them all, and funny to see the "smart" computer suggest that a statue I photographed at the Met and my Ethiopian nephew might be my blond haired, blue eyed girlfriend.

Nap time. More later.

1 comment:

  1. So this must be your worst nightmare, your sister popping in to comment on you journal. I heard about the Pablo thing, think it sounds perfect. I will show Edward his name in lights as he thinks being on the computer makes you famous. Hope you find some boots. Don't internet search boobs by accident, it is not pretty.

    Popping in on your journal reminded me of something...Remember when I got that Snoopy Diary for my birthday. I told you could read the first page and the first page only. I then made you leave the room while I hid the key in the most fabulous place ever: behind Curious George's ear that was torn on the back but not on the front). You walked into the room with the most ridiculous smirk on your face, I can still see it. You could not lie THEN. You looked in the dumbest places: behind a pillow, under the bed. Then went straight to George.

    I guess I happened to mention where I was hiding the key on the one page I allowed you to read.

    I still don't understand why you were always termed the "smart one."
